Patients near Cary, IL ask what to expect from mole removal services
Posted by Dr. Vikram Khanna
Regular skin checks
Routine skin checks should be part of your personal health regimen. Changes can occur quickly. Detecting the changes early is key for successful treatment. The earlier skin cancer is found, the better the chances of treating it. When assessing your own skin, use the ABCDE rule.- Asymmetry - The two sides of your mole should match meaning the mole is symmetrical. If they do not, the mole is asymmetrical and should be checked.
- Border - Irregular or bumpy edges are a sign of skin cancer. A benign mole has a smooth border; whereas a cancerous one is bumpy or uneven around the edges.
- Color - Normal moles are an even color throughout, usually a brownish color. Moles that contain a variety of colors or that are red, white, or blue may be malignant.
- Diameter - A benign mole is small and should be no larger than a pencil eraser. Anything larger than 6mm should be checked by a physician.
- Evolving - Watch for changes in existing moles as well. Benign moles do not change but malignant moles may change in size, shape, or color.
What to expect from mole removal services

Moles can be removed by shaving. After using a local anesthetic, the dermatologist removes the mole right at the surface. Sutures are not needed, but the area may be covered with a bandage. As the area heals, it may scab. Scarring is minimal with this procedure. Shaving procedures may be less expensive than other removal services. However, shaving may not be an option for larger moles. Also, the treatment may work for moles that are benign but may not be appropriate for potentially cancerous moles.
Surgical excision is another option for mole removal. First, the area is numbed with a local anesthetic. Then, the dermatologist uses a scalpel to remove the mole with a slight margin around it. By removing slightly more skin than just the mole itself, the doctor helps ensure the entire area is cleared. This is particularly important if the mole is potentially cancerous. The incision is then closed with stitches.
Since a slight margin is removed along with the mole, excisions have higher success rates than shaving. This means the mole is less likely to come back. Although a scar is possible, the area should heal nicely. More is involved in the excision procedure which may involve a different cost than shaving. However, the total cost for either depends on the size and location of the mole. A major cost-saving benefit to removal by a dermatologist is that the procedures can be performed in the office so there are no additional surgical center or hospital fees.
Mole removal services may also involve a biopsy or pathology report. Most moles are sent to a laboratory to determine if they are cancerous or not. In many cases, insurance covers the cost of the procedure and biopsy for suspicious lesions.
Downtime is usually not needed following mole removal. However, patients may notice tenderness around the treatment site. Any discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter medication. If sutures need to be removed, patients will need to return to the office about a week later for a follow-up appointment.
Pay close attention to your skin. Skin cancer is treatable when caught early. If you notice any changes in your skin including existing moles, contact a dermatologist right away for a screening.
For mole removal services, contact Dermatology Specialists of Illinois for an appointment in Woodstock or Algonquin. Call (844) 307-7546.